Speaking, Press & Media
Research Highlights
Columbia University Workshop Group
Sustainability and Smart Cities Presentation
May 15, 2024: Dr. Nyangon co-authored A New Paper on Hydrogen Energy Costs, Financial Incentives and Technological Innovations
February 6-9, 2024: Dr. Nyangon Joined the NASEO 2024 Energy Policy Outlook Conference Panel to Discuss State-Federal Engagement and Partnerships
October 15: At the 2023 INFORMS Annual Meeting in Phoenix, AZ, Dr. Nyangon participated in a panel on enhancing power system resilience and sustainability through grid orchestration and digital transformation.
July 26: Dr. Nyangon presented a webinar at the Utility Analytics Institute (UAI) on the Impacts of FERC Order 2222 on Asset Health.
May 16: New Blog Article by Dr. Nyangon on: Rethinking grid modernization: 5 keys to tackling climate change published. SAS Blogs.
March 16: Dr. Nyangon gave a panel presentation on "Delivering Sustainability Goals in Manufacturing Through IoT" at the IoT DaySlam 2023 conference.
February 28: New Blog Article by Dr. Nyangon on: Managing stranded asset risks in the energy sector with analytics published. SAS Blogs.
February 10: A new e-book co-authored by Dr. Nyangon demystifies Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM): The EU's pioneering climate policy.
December 1: Dr. Nyangon delivered a keynote speech at Lehigh University's Energy Systems Engineering (ESE) Fall Industry Advisory Council Meeting. His talk was titled “Energy Analytics: How it is Influencing Utility Decision Making.”
June 22: Care about climate change? Learn these 12 carbon terms. Cindy Turner. SAS Blogs.
May 4: New Blog Article authored by Dr. Nyangon on: How new regulations could streamline climate-related financial risk disclosures published. SAS Blogs.
February 10: Dr. Nyangon was selected to serve on the Harvard Business Review Advisory Council.
July 2022: New Journal Paper co-authored with Prof. John Byrne, and Dr. Job Taminiau on “American Policy Conflict in the Hothouse: Exploring the Politics of Climate Inaction and Polycentric Rebellion” published in Energy Research & Social Science.
July 2022: New Journal Paper co-authored with Prof. John Byrne on “Estimating the impacts of natural gas power generation growth on solar electricity development: PJM's evolving resource mix and ramping capability” published in WIREs Energy & Environment.
December 1, 2021: Dr. Nyangon was recognized by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) - awarded senior membership.
October 29, 2021: Dr. Nyangon joined the 2021 Global Innovation Forum panel to discuss digital innovation ecosystems in Africa which was organized by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), a specialized United Nations agency for ICTs [Video].
October 2021: Dr. Nyangon was quoted and featured in a New York Weekly article: Transforming Clean Energy Technology, Dr. Joe Nyangon Mitigates Social Change.
October 2021: Dr. Nyangon shared research on how spatial analytics drive energy efficiency and renewable energy policies in New York in James & Co: The AI IoT Chronicles Podcast .
August 13, 2021: Dr. Nyangon was invited to join a panel discussion at the IIoT World's Energy Day 2021 on the role of AI in energy management [Video].
August 2021: Dr. Nyangon was quoted and featured in The Good Men Project article: Pursuing Excellence in Clean Energy Innovation, Dr. Joe Nyangon as a Relentless Thought Leader.
June 6, 2021: Dr. Nyangon joined the Editorial Board of WIREs Energy and Environment as Associate Editor.
May 6, 2021: Dr. Nyangon joined the SAS Analytics Exchange: Electrifying AI podcast to discuss the Biden Administration climate and energy agenda for the United States to reduce emissions by 50 percent by 2030, as compared to 2005 levels.
April 20, 2021: Dr. Nyangon was interviewed for a story on the National Geographic about Americans’ rising demand for more renewable energy and how ‘Community Choice Aggregation’ programs can help them get it.
March 9, 2021. Dr. Nyangon presented SAS Electrifying AI webinar on DERs, Grid Resilience and Regulatory Innovation: The Trifecta of Electricity Grid Modernization.
March 08, 2021: Dr. Nyangon and Prof. John Byrne published a paper in Energy Sources, Part B: Economics Planning and Policy titled: Spatial Energy Efficiency Patterns in New York and Implications for Energy Demand and the Rebound Effect.
January 4, 2021: Dr. Nyangon joined the Editorial Board of Energy Research and Social Science (ERSS) Journal.
June 20, 2020: Dr. Nyangon was invited to join the Delaware State Assembly SB (Senate Bill) 250 Stakeholder’s Meeting panel to discuss the benefits of passing SB 250 Bill, which proposed to increase Delaware’s renewable portfolio standard (RPS) to 40% by 2035, Delaware Technical Community College’s Wilmington Campus, Delaware.
April 7, 2020: Dr. Nyangon joined a Delaware Power Dialogue panel on climate change policy innovations in Newark, Delaware.
February 17, 2020: Joined the Reviewer Board of Sustainability Journal [Impact Factor: 2.576]
October 20-23, 2019: Dr. Nyangon presented a paper at the 2019 INFORMS Annual Meeting in Seattle, USA, titled: Regulatory Innovation and the Convergence of Electric Utility Policies: New Business Models and Electricity Market Design.
June 3, 2019: New Publication: Feasibility of City-Scale Solar Power Plants Using Public Buildings: Case Studies of Newark and Wilmington Delaware with Early Investigations of Bifacial Solar Modules and Dual Orientation Racking as Tools for City-Scale Solar Development in SSRN Journal.
May 6-8, 2019: Dr. Nyangon attended the National Science Foundation (NSF)/U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) funded Quantum Energy and Sustainable Solar Technologies (QESST) Engineering Research Center conference in Arizona State University in Tempe, and presented a poster titled Estimating Solar Energy Technical and Economic Potential of Rooftops in Philadelphia (PA), Wilmington (DE), Newark (DE), and Tempe (AZ).
January 4-6, 2019: Dr. Nyangon presented a paper at the 2019 American Economic Association Annual Meeting in Atlanta on navigating energy transitions. [Twitter] [Webcast] [Program]
November 8, 208: Dr. Nyangon was interviewed for a story on E&E News about carbon-free technologies and the focus on renewables.
October 30, 2018: Dr. Nyangon was named a Non-Resident Fellow of the Initiative for Sustainable Energy Policy (ISEP) at the Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) [ISEP Fellows] [Announcement].
September 12, 2018: Dr. Nyangon and Prof. John Byrne published a book chapter in IntechOpen in Energy Systems and Environment edited by Prof. Pavel V. Tsvetkov titled: Diversifying Electricity Customer Choice: REVing Up the New York Energy Vision for Polycentric Innovation.
July 26, 2018: Dr. Nyangon was invited to the Global American Business Institute’s Clean Energy Forum and Seminars panel in Washington, DC. to discuss Challenges and Opportunities for Community Solar Energy Models: Policy Implications Derived from the U.S. Experience.
May 29, 2018: Dr. Nyangon was named a Non-Resident Fellow of the Payne Institute for Public Policy at the Colorado School of Mines [Fellows] [Announcement].
January 6, 2018: Dr. Nyangon attended the 2018 American Economic Association Annual Meeting in Philadelphia [Twitter] [Webcast] [Program]
November 28, 2017: Dr. Nyangon presented at the University of Delaware Symposium on the future of smart cities and sustainable energy.
July 29, 2017: Dr. Nyangon published a book review of Carbon Finance: How Carbon and Stock Markets are Affected by Energy Prices and Emissions Regulations by Svetlana Viteva and Yulia Veld-Merkoulova in The Energy Journal.
June 2, 2017: Dr. Nyangon published a paper with Prof. John Byrne and Dr. Job Taminiau in WIRES Energy and Environment titled: An Assessment of Price Convergence Between Natural Gas and Solar Photovoltaics in the U.S. Electricity Market.
May 26, 2017: Dr. Nyangon was conferred a doctoral degree from the University of Delaware. [Doctoral Hooding Ceremony Pictures] [Video].
April 17, 2017: Dr. Nyangon published a book chapter with Prof. John Byrne, Dr. Job Taminuau and Dr. Ariella She Lewis in Collective Creativity for Responsible and Sustainable Business Practice edited by Prof. Zika Fields titled: Sustainable Business Model Innovation: Using Polycentric and Creative Climate Change Governance.
April 28, 2017: Dr. Nyangon joined the Editorial Review Board of International Journal of Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Corporate Social Responsibility (IJSECSR).
March 9, 2017: Awarded the University of Delaware Doctoral Fellowship.
February 3, 2017: Dr. Nyangon published a book chapter with Prof. Lawerence Agbemabiese and Dr. Nabil Al-Abbas in Reconsidering the Impact of Climate Change on Global Water Supply, Use, and Management edited by Prof. Prakash Rao and Yogesh Patil titled: Entangled Systems at the Energy-Water-Food Nexus: Challenges and Opportunities.
2016 and earlier
October 24, 2016: Dr. Nyangon and Dr. Nabil Al-Abbas award first prize in energy economics competition organized by the United States Association for Energy Economics (USAEE) and the International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE)—sponsored by KAPSARC. [USAEE/IAEE] [UDaily News] [the Arabian Sun-Saudi Armco Singapore] [Joseph R. Biden, Jr. School of Public Policy and Administration]
October 25, 2016: Dr. Nyangon presented a paper on a hybrid weather-based long-term electricity demand forecasting for Saudi Arabia at the 34th USAEE/IAEE North American Conference in Tulsa, OK.
September 16, 2016: Dr. Nyangon published a book review of Environmental Finance and Investments by Marc Chesney, Jonathan Gheyssens, Anca Claudia Pana, and Luca Taschini in Financial Analysts Journal, Vol. 72(4).
April 10, 2016: Dr. Nyangon awarded Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) fellowship to assist Starwood Hotels and Resorts accelerate sustainability across portfolios and reduce energy and water use at its 1,200+ properties [UDaily News].
October 2, 2015: Dr. Nyangon published a book review of Economics of Unconventional Shale Gas Development: Case Studies and Impacts by William E. Hefley, Yongsheng Wang in The Energy Journal.
April 3, 2014: Dr. Nyangon joined the Institute for Oil, Gas, Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development as a Visiting Research Fellow.
Industry Highlights
Elevation to IEEE Senior Member
IIoT World's Energy Day 2021
DERs, Grid Resilience and Regulatory Innovation: The Trifecta of Electricity Grid Modernization
Part of the Electrifying AI webinar series
Tech entrepreneurship and key sector development in Africa