Dr. Nyangon Discussed Digital Innovation at the United Nation's ITU Global Innovation Forum Panel

October 29, 2021: Dr. Nyangon joined a panel discussion on digital innovation ecosystems at the 2021 Global Innovation Forum which was organized by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), a specialized United Nations agency for ICTs [Video].

Session: Tech entrepreneurship and key sector development in Africa

This session brought together high-level speakers from countries in the Africa region to provide insights about key sector development with technology through tech entrepreneurship. Panellists discussed the following questions:

  • How is tech entrepreneurship fuelling competitiveness (or the lack thereof) in the African regional context for key sectors with potential?

  • What are the challenges and opportunities for the digital ecosystem within this context?

  • What new mechanisms or initiatives are needed to accelerate sectoral transformation using a whole-ecosystem approach?




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